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Master Voyager Home Edition News
Master Voyager 2.61. Improved interface of Mobile Voyager module.. The new version implements a range of interface enhancements in autoplay module..
September 4, 2010
We are glad to announce the release of Master Voyager 2.61 with improved interface of autoplay module Mobile Voyager.
Old "Not Enough Rights" windows was replaced to new one "Limited Access".
Also, this autoplay module now shows informational messages after succussful installation/deinstallation of drivers.
Some other minor enhancements have also been made to Mobile Voyager.
Master Voyager 2.61. Improved interface of Mobile Voyager module.Master Voyager 2.60. Ability to work with encrypted CD/USB memory stick without administrator rights.. Added ability to install/uninstall drivers by autoplay module to work with encryptd CD/USB Flash Drives under limited user account without administrator rights..
August 23, 2010
Since this version, Mobile Voyager (autoplay module located on every encrypted CD and USB memory stick) has special option to install/uninistall drivers to the computer.
Once installed, drivers willl allow user on this computer to work with encrypted CD/USB memory sticks under limited users account without administrator rights (even after reboot).
All is needed is to install these drivers once (it will require the elevation of rights). After that, administrator rights will never be required!
Master Voyager 2.60. Ability to work with encrypted CD/USB memory stick without administrator rights.
Master Voyager 2.50. Fixed dwmapi bug. Fixed bug "dwmapi.dll not found".
August 10, 2010
On some old OSes (like Windows 2000) mvoyager.exe shows error message "Application failed to start because dwmapi.dll not found". We fixed this error.
Master Voyager 2.50. Fixed dwmapi bugMaster Voyager 2.49. The file tree has visual style of Windows 7 now.. Now the files tree of program has native windows 7 visual style now.
August 8, 2010
The files tree has native visual style of Windows 7 now.
Master Voyager 2.49. The file tree has visual style of Windows 7 now.
Master Voyager 2.48. Added interface in German language. Now the interface of Master Voyager supports German language..
July 26, 2010
Since this version, Master Voyager supports interface in German language.
We translated all modules of the software - Main Program and autoplay modules like Mobile Voyager and Partition Explorer.
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It can do almost everything you desired!
I’ve been searching for a utility to password protect removable media for long, possibly a free one but without any luck until recently, I came across Master Voyager – a commercial program which satisfies my needs and even supersedes my expectations. I guess many of you are not aware of the solution and that’s why I write about an application that can do almost everything you desired regarding protection of content on removable media.