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Master Voyager Home Edition News

Master Voyager 2.69. Serious bug fix in the autoplay module. Fixed bug in the autoplay module (Mobile Voyager). It was not possible to install drivers using Mobile Voyager under 32-bit Windows..

November 8, 2010

We are happy to announce the release of Master Voyager 2.69

Mobile Voyager: fixed serious problem in the driver installation subroutine. It was not possible to install driver under 32-bit OS using second option of the "Limited access to CD/USB" window. Now the driver installation module works correctly.

Master Voyager 2.69. Serious bug fix in the autoplay module

Master Voyager 2.68. Improvements in driver installation. Improvements in the live update module and in the driver installation routine of Mobile Voyager module..

November 6, 2010

We are happy to announce the release of Master Voyager 2.68

Mobile Voyager has improved driver installation routine. Now it provides more information when driver file cannot be copied into the system directory and tries to reset read-only flag of existing driver to safely remove it.

Live update: fixed error causing attempt to download new version of the software when the version is not exist (on pressing ESC key in the live  update window).

Master Voyager 2.68. Improvements in driver installation

Master Voyager 2.65. Minor improvements in the installation package.. Several minor enhancements in the installation package..

October 20, 2010

We are happy to announce the release of Master Voyager 2.65.

Its installation package is now more user friendly and stable.

Master Voyager 2.65. Minor improvements in the installation package.

Master Voyager 2.64. Ejected CD is now correctly recognized.. Ejected CD is now correctly recognized. German interface has been updated..

October 2, 2010

We are happy to announce the release of Master Voyager 2.64 featuring ability to correctly recognize the ejected cdrom state.

Now Master Voyager does not try to load cd when CDROM is empty.

Additionally we fixed bug: no more message "The CD has been loaded" on clicking empty  slot of the card reader.

Moreover our translators updated the German interface of the application.


Master Voyager 2.64. Ejected CD is now correctly recognized.

Master Voyager 2.62. Improved interface of Mobile Voyager module.. The new version implements a range of interface enhancements in autoplay module ("Enter Password" and "Limited Access" windows).

September 19, 2010

We are glad to announce the release of Master Voyager 2.62 with improved interface of autoplay module Mobile Voyager.

Now "Limited access" window of Mobile Voyager looks differently for encrypted cd and encrypted usb flash drive.


limited access to encrypted cd/dvd/bluray

USB Flash Drive

limited access to encrypted usb flash drive

Additionally, now the Enter Password window also looks differently for CD and for USB flash drive.


Enter password for encrypted cd/dvd/bluray

USB Flash Drive

Enter password for encrypted usb flash drive

Master Voyager 2.62. Improved interface of Mobile Voyager module.

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It can do almost everything you desired!

I’ve been searching for a utility to password protect removable media for long, possibly a free one but without any luck until recently, I came across Master Voyager – a commercial program which satisfies my needs and even supersedes my expectations. I guess many of you are not aware of the solution and that’s why I write about an application that can do almost everything you desired regarding protection of content on removable media.

Agnivo Roy, The Blogger