The DVD/CD/USB Pendrive Encryption Software
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Master Voyager Home Edition News
Master Voyager 2.79. Fixed some issues in the registration scheme.. Fixed some issues in the registration scheme..
May 10, 2011
We are happy to announce the release of Master Voyager 2.79.
In this release we fixed some bugs in the registration scheme causing displaying the nag screen in the licensed mode of the application.
Master Voyager 2.79. Fixed some issues in the registration scheme.Master Voyager 2.78. Added ability to hide the CD Capacity Bar.. Added more configurable settings for the application interface..
April 29, 2011
We are happy to announce the release of Master Voyager 2.78.
In this release we added new page to the settings window: Interface and the option "Show the Capacity Bar in the CD/DVD/BD mode". I.e. now it is possible to hide the CD capacity bar.
Master Voyager 2.78. Added ability to hide the CD Capacity Bar.Master Voyager 2.77. Interface enhancements in Partition Explorer (Breadcrumb navigation control).. Fixed navigation problems in the navigation pane (breadcrumb) of Partition Explorer..
April 9, 2011
We are happy to announce the release of Master Voyager 2.77.
In this release we fixed navigation problems in the breadcrumb control (navigation bar on the top of the Partition Explorer's window).
Master Voyager 2.77. Interface enhancements in Partition Explorer (Breadcrumb navigation control).Master Voyager 2.76. Interface enhancements on Windows 7.. Improved design of several parts of the application when working on Windows 7..
March 21, 2011
We are happy to announce the release of Master Voyager 2.76.
In this version we improved design of several application parts, for example the CD burning progress is indicated on the application button of the Windows 7 task bar.
Master Voyager 2.76. Interface enhancements on Windows 7.Master Voyager 2.75. Interface enhancements.. Improved design of some parts of the application..
February 23, 2011
We are happy to announce the release of Master Voyager 2.75.
In this version we improved design of several application parts, for example "About Master Voyager" window.
Master Voyager 2.75. Interface enhancements.Subscribe to our Newsletter.
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Master Voyager 2.79. Fixed some issues in the registration scheme.
May 10, 2011
Fixed some issues in the registration scheme..
Master Voyager 2.78. Added ability to hide the CD Capacity Bar.
April 29, 2011
Added more configurable settings for the application interface..
Master Voyager 2.77. Interface enhancements in Partition Explorer (Breadcrumb navigation control).
April 9, 2011
Fixed navigation problems in the navigation pane (breadcrumb) of Partition Explorer..
It can do almost everything you desired!
I’ve been searching for a utility to password protect removable media for long, possibly a free one but without any luck until recently, I came across Master Voyager – a commercial program which satisfies my needs and even supersedes my expectations. I guess many of you are not aware of the solution and that’s why I write about an application that can do almost everything you desired regarding protection of content on removable media.