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Master Voyager Home Edition News

Master Voyager 2.90. Minor improvements of the interface.. Minor improvements in the application interface.

January 4, 2012

We are happy to announce the release of Master Voyager 2.90.

In this release we made several minor improvements in the application interface (for example: the main application title).




Master Voyager 2.90. Minor improvements of the interface.

Master Voyager 2.88. Fixed bug in the Burn/Erase disc wizard.. Fixed bug in the Burn/Erase disc wizard..

December 4, 2011

We are happy to announce the release of Master Voyager 2.88.

In this release we fixed bug causing ejecting of the opened CD and cancelling all modifications when pressing the close button [x] in the wizard.




Master Voyager 2.88. Fixed bug in the Burn/Erase disc wizard.

Master Voyager 2.87. Added the Quick Format option. Added new option "Quick Format".

November 16, 2011

We are happy to announce the release of Master Voyager 2.87.

In this release we added new option Options / Other / Quick format.

Now it is possible to choose the method of creation of new secure partitions on CD/Usb. When the option is unchecked, new container files are prefilled by random data for better security. When the option is checked, all new secure partitions are created in seconds.

quick format option to create new secure partitios on encrypted cd/dvd/usb flash drive


Master Voyager 2.87. Added the Quick Format option

Master Voyager 2.86 - SECUREDISC/SECUREUSB media label is assigned by default. The SECUREDISC/SECUREUSB media label is assigned by default..

October 27, 2011

We are happy to announce the release of Master Voyager 2.86.

Now, Master Voyager does not offer to assign the media label when it is not set. Now Master Voyager assigns default label SECUREUSB/SECUREDISC for the media when any secure partition is created on the media.


Master Voyager 2.86 - SECUREDISC/SECUREUSB media label is assigned by default

Master Voyager 2.85. Secure partitions are created much faster.. Now secure partitions are created much faster (in seconds).

October 8, 2011

We are happy to announce the release of Master Voyager 2.85.

In this version we improved the speed of creation of new secure partitions significally. Partitions are not prefilled by random data and they are created in seconds.


Master Voyager 2.85. Secure partitions are created much faster.

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It can do almost everything you desired!

I’ve been searching for a utility to password protect removable media for long, possibly a free one but without any luck until recently, I came across Master Voyager – a commercial program which satisfies my needs and even supersedes my expectations. I guess many of you are not aware of the solution and that’s why I write about an application that can do almost everything you desired regarding protection of content on removable media.

Agnivo Roy, The Blogger