The DVD/CD/USB Pendrive Encryption Software
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How to password protect CD/DVD
Master Voyager works as CD/DVD and USB Data Locking Software. Using this software you can easily password protect folders and files on USB Flash Drive or CD.
Master Voyager is cd encryption software and it gives you possibility to lock CD data by strong data encryption. Thus it provides superior cd security.
For example we would like to set cd password for our dvd.
Start Master Voyager.
You see the list of available CDROM drives and connected USB Flash Drives. When you see [EMPTY] text it means that media is not present in the CDROM drive/USB Card Reader.
Click CDROM icon.
Master Voyager opens the compact disc and reads the previous session. Master Voyager supports multisession discs.
When the disc is opened you see the available operations.
Please look at "Secure Media Partitions on I:" frame. There are two icons there "Partition Manager" and "Public Area". Partition Manager creates secure partitions (protected by password) on CD/DVD/USB Sticks. "Public Area" is a section on the media containing files/folders available for everyone. The public area also contains autoplay module of Mobile Voyager (Mobile Voyager is the part of Master Voyager, located on your protected media).
Click "Partition Manager" button to create new secure partition
The blue bar is the public area of CD (now it has no any disk label) and total size of the media. In our case it is DVD-RW disc 4.38gb. It is empty disc.
Let's create new secure partition.
Click "New..." button and type partition name and the disk label of the new partition. Disk Label will be visible in system when you open secure partition (it will be available to all programs via virtual disk device).
Enable or disable "Open partition on AutoPlay" checkbox. When checked, the password for this secure partition will be automatically asked on inserting CD into CDROM drive. When not checked, the password will not be asked but it will still be possible to open the secure partition from context menu of Mobile Voyager icon (located in the tray notification area).
As you can see on this picture, the new green bar has been added and blue bar's size has been reduced. The icon of the green bar is semitransparent, it means that this new secure partition is now virtual (not physically created yet). You can also see new Apply button. This button will create partition.
You can click "New..." button multiple times if you need to create several secure partitions with different passwords. Master Voyager assigned name "My Documents #1" for this new partition. "SECUREPART" is the label of the future virtual disk. Every secure partition will be mounted as virtual hard drive every time when you enter password. And this disklabel will be the label of the virtual hard drive in mounted state.
The size of new partition is 2,19GB. It has not burned to CD yet.
But before clicking Apply button, we can change some parameters. Click ... button to rename partition, or resize the partition using your mouse. See the following picture for example:
Ok. We've just resized partition and new size is 1,12GB.
Click ... button and rename partition and change the disk label.
Now click Apply button to create the partition.
Please note, when you create new partition on Compact Disc, Master Voyager creates its disk image in temporary folder on your HDD firstly. You will then need to burn all changes to the CD. After burning, temporary files will be removed from your HDD automatically.
When Apply button is pressed, Master Voyager asks you to assign password for new partition.
In evaluation version it is allowed to enter "123" password only. In registered version it is allowed to use any password up to 32 characters in length. This password will be used to encrypt whole securepartition using AES256 bit encryption algorithm. It is enough secure for any purpose.

It will be required to wait for some minutes while the secure partition is being created.
How to add files to the created partition
As mentioned above, the secure partition is firstly created in the temporary folder of hard drive. Next step is to fill it out by confidential files. And the final step is to burn whole partition image to the compact disc.
All these steps can be performed in Master Voyager and you won't need to have any 3-rd party software.
Master Voyager provides convenient 2 panes interface like popular File Managers (Total Commmander, FAR and etc). The main idea is the easy way to copy/move files and folders between different locations.
In our case is to copy/move confidential files to the secure partition.
Just drag and drop files/folders from the right files pane to the left one. Please hold Shift key if you want to move files.
Now we need to burn all files and secure partitions to our Compact Disc. Just click Burn DVD button.
How to encrypt CD and send it via postal mail?
Read how to create encrypted CD and DVD with autoplay module
How to transfer documents safely between home and work on encrypted USB Flash Drive?
Read how to use usb encryption to create password protected USB Flash Drive with integrated autoplay module
Christmas and New Year Savings!
Get 25% discount on Master Voyager until January 10, 2013.
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3 product bundle (CD Encryption + USB Encryption + File Encryption + Drive Encryption) at a special price
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Master Voyager Home Edition 3.35
November 13, 2016
Improved compatibility with Windows 10.
Master Voyager Home Edition 3.32
January 11, 2015
Fixed incompatibility problem of the licensing system with the 2016 year.
Master Voyager Home Edition 3.31
November 10, 2014
"Compatible with Windows® 8 and 7" software

It can do almost everything you desired!
I’ve been searching for a utility to password protect removable media for long, possibly a free one but without any luck until recently, I came across Master Voyager – a commercial program which satisfies my needs and even supersedes my expectations. I guess many of you are not aware of the solution and that’s why I write about an application that can do almost everything you desired regarding protection of content on removable media.