The DVD/CD/USB Pendrive Encryption Software
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Encrypted USB drive. Why?
Millions of experienced computer users have one or more USB drives. The secret of such popularity is light weight (portability) and ability to store gigabytes of information.
And it is the reason why typical usb drive often keeps tons of sensitive confidential private stuff: e-mail databases with thousands of private and business letters, ms office documents like Word and Excel and others, photos from digital camera.
Very often, such information is not intended for other eyes because it can cause damage to reputation or business (security leaks).
Unfortunatelly, the advantage of such devices (light weight and small dimension) becomes its main Achilles heel. USB flash drives are often used to transport data among various computers and many of them are being lost or stolen.
It is much more safer to encrypt usb drive and prevent many problems.
That is why we all should use encrypted usb drive every time when we transport sensitive information.
How to encrypt CD and send it via postal mail?
Read how to create encrypted CD and DVD with autoplay module
How to transfer documents safely between home and work on encrypted USB Flash Drive?
Read how to use usb encryption to create password protected USB Flash Drive with integrated autoplay module
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