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Using Mobile Voyager (CD AutoPlay)

Encrypted CD/DVD/BD discs and USB Flash Drives are fully autonomous. You can send it via postal mail and the recipient can open work with it without having the Master Voyager software!

Simply click loaded Disc in the Windows Explorer.

The password protected compact disc in the Vista Windows Explorer

Or click "Manage Secure Partitions" from context menu.

Please note, Windows Vista 64-bit does not recognize autoplay settings of CD/DVD drives, so, on this OS you'll need to launch mvoyager.exe file from root folder.

manage secure partition

But usually AutoPlay shows the window (excepting Windows Vista 64-bit):

AutoPlay dialog of the encrypted compact disc

Important: When autoplay feature is disabled in your system - the Mobile Voyager is not started when you insert CD. In this case please launch it manually from X:\mvoyager.exe (where X: is the letter of your CDROM).

Then Master Voyager Mobile will be loaded from CD and will ask you to enter passwords to open secure partitions.

Unlock secure zone on secure cd

When password is provided, Master Voyager Mobile opens the secure zone as drive:

Tray message

On this screenshot you see that secure partition "My Secret Files" has been open as drive E:

Just check it:

Secure dvd in windows explorer

Now you work with secure zones as with regular drive. You can launch programs from it, open movies and mp3, open Excel & Word files and etc. When you eject disc, all secure zones disappear automatically.


The Windows Security Model requires the user of this protected CD to have administrator rights on his computer to open secure zone as regular drive. In case when it is possible - Mobile Voyager offers to open the Partition Explorer. This tool is used to open the secure zone as encrypted archive.


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