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We are glad to introduce version 1.01.

In this release we added support for modern USB 3.0 flash drives like Sandisk Cruzer (r). 

Due to Windows 8 requirements, new flash drives are appeared as "Local Disk", not Removable Drive as previously.

Now Usb Voyager recognizes this type of media and supports it.



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Deploying drivers in network
Network administrators can deploy driver-only msi installation package in their network to provide ability to use encrypted compact disc/usb memory sticks under any limited user account in on-the-fly encryption/decryption mode.
Where to download installdriver.msi?

It can do almost everything you desired!

I’ve been searching for a utility to password protect removable media for long, possibly a free one but without any luck until recently, I came across Master Voyager – a commercial program which satisfies my needs and even supersedes my expectations. I guess many of you are not aware of the solution and that’s why I write about an application that can do almost everything you desired regarding protection of content on removable media.

Agnivo Roy, The Blogger


Download32 site has awarded Master Voyager by 5 stars award!