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Master Voyager 2.80. Imroved the CD burning Wizard.

June 9, 2011

We are happy to announce the release of Master Voyager 2.80.

In this release we improved design and the behaviour of the CD burning wizard.

Firstly, it has windows 7 aero style now:

New design of the cd encryption burning wizard

and the progress page:

The progress page of burning secure encrypted cd/dvd/bluray

Additionally, we improved the behaviour of the wizard. Now, when the cd is burned successfully, the wizard is closed automatically. The CD is ejected automatically also. So, now to burn the cd it is required the single Next button click.

Some other minor improvements have been made also.


Next: Master Voyager 2.81. Added option - Eject cd after burning. >
< Previous: Master Voyager 2.79. Fixed some issues in the registration scheme.
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