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Master Voyager 2.46. Added internationalization support.

June 16, 2010

Since this version, Master Voyager has internationalization support. I.e. now it can provide the program interface in different languages.

Currently there are english and russian languages available only, but new languages will be added soon.

Please note, it is possible to set the different default language for autoplay modules (Mobile Voyager & Partition Explorer). I.e. for example, you can work at home with interface in one language (for example in polish), but create encrypted DVD disc in another language (for example: english). So the recipient will be able to work with the protected media in own native language. And it is possible to change the language of the interface from Mobile Voyager / Partition Explorer directly.

So, since this version, every protected media includes the autoplay module interface in different languages at once.

New interface languages will be added soon (currently we are working on german & french versions of the product).

Please note, we are seeking for volunteers who can translate our software into another languages. We provide free licenses of the product for translators. Please contact us to get details (and also read comments in *.lng files in the program installation directory).


Next: Master Voyager 2.62. Improved interface of Mobile Voyager module. >
< Previous: Master Voyager 2.45. The ejected CD is loaded into the CDROM drive automatically.
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